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Botanical Name: Caesalpinia bonduc

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:57 PM

Photo Description: None

Family: Caesalpiniaceae
Common Name: सागरगोटा
Etymology - Genus: Named for Andreas Caesalpini, 16th century Italian botanist and chief physician to Pope Clement VIII.
Etymology - Species: The Arabic word for a hazelnut or filbert
Ecosystem: Evergreen
Origin: Native
Location: Pune
Description: Spiny, spreading liana that grown vigorously along the supports. Very sharp and hard spines are observed on all parts of the plant. Recurved spines are observed in pairs, side by side.1-2 feet long bipinnate leaf. Pulvinus petiole and foliaceous stipule, a bunch of irregular leaves are observed at the node. Rachis is angled and spiny.Paripinnate leaflets, ovate lamina. Stipel - secondary stipule at the base of a leaflet - is also spiny.Yellow flowers are arranged in raceme at the end of the branch. Young inflorescence look like a green flower. This apparent green petal is actually a bract and as peduncle grows, small yellow flower appear in each bract. Whole liana burst into many spikes of inflorescence.Small size yellow flower.4 oblong yellow petals surrounding a colourful inner petal.Shell shape pod is covered with sharp spines. Green pods turn dark when mature, appear in bunches.1-2 seeds per pod, globular, hard, grey.
Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:16 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:13 AM

Photo Description: None

Root type: Taproot-Woody hard
Stem Appearance: Liana
Stem Cross Section: Circular
Stem Texture: Smooth, angled, spiny bark
Root-Stem-Bark Description: Spiny, spreading liana that grown vigorously along the supports. Very sharp and hard spines are observed on all parts of the plant. Recurved spines are observed in pairs, side by side.
Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:14 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:11 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:13 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:12 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:09 AM

Photo Description: None

Leaf - Characters

Attachment: Pulvinus
Stipules: Foliaceous
Leaf Type: Bipinnate-Paripinnate
Phyllotaxy: Alternate-Spiral
Leaf Description: 1-2 feet long bipinnate leaf. Pulvinus petiole and foliaceous stipule, a bunch of irregular leaves are observed at the node. Rachis is angled and spiny.

Leaflet - Characters

Lamina: Ovate
Lamina Bases: Oblique
Lamina Margins: Entire
Lamina Apices: Acute
Lamina Texture: Glabrous
Venation: Reticulate-Unicostate
Leaflet Description: Paripinnate leaflets, ovate lamina. Stipel - secondary stipule at the base of a leaflet - is also spiny.
Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 30-Sep-2019 17:22 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 30-Sep-2019 17:23 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 30-Sep-2019 17:24 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 12-Sep-2019 17:30 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 12-Sep-2019 17:31 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Inflorescence - Characters

Inflorescence: Raceme
Bract: Foliaceous
Inflorescence Description: Yellow flowers are arranged in raceme at the end of the branch. Young inflorescence look like a green flower. This apparent green petal is actually a bract and as peduncle grows, small yellow flower appear in each bract. Whole liana burst into many spikes of inflorescence.

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:58 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:58 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:57 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:14 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:11 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:14 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:15 AM

Photo Description: None

Flower - Characters

Flower Type: Complete
Flower Symmetry: Zygomorphic
Thalamus Types:
Position of Whorls: Hypogynous
Aestivation: Imbricate
Flower Description: Small size yellow flower.

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:12 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:00 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 10-Sep-2022 10:27 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:09 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:10 AM

Photo Description: None

Floral Parts - Characters

Calyx Arrangement: Zygomorphic gamosepalous
Calyx Persistance: Caducous
Calyx Number of sepals: 5

Corolla Arrangement: 5 free petals
Corolla Appendages: na
Corolla Number of petals: 5

Perianth Arrangement: na
Perianth Number of tepals: na

Androecium Attachment of anther: Dorsifixed
Androecium Length of filament:
Androecium Union of Stamens: Free stamens
Androecium Number of Stamens: 10

Gynoecium Placentation:
Gynoecium Union of Carpels:
Gynoecium Number of Carpels: 1

Floral Parts Description: 4 oblong yellow petals surrounding a colourful inner petal.
Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 01-Dec-2018 09:10 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:56 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:56 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:57 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:12 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 2 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 10:10 AM

Photo Description: None

Fruit type: Legume
Fruit type Description: Shell shape pod is covered with sharp spines. Green pods turn dark when mature, appear in bunches.
Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:59 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 19:59 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 08-Sep-2022 20:00 PM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 22-Mar-2019 09:39 AM

Photo Description: None

Caesalpinia bonduc

Photo Credit: Mandar Joshi Record Count: 1 Photo Date-Time: 22-Mar-2019 09:40 AM

Photo Description: None

Seed Type: Dicotyledon
Germination type:
Dispersion Method:
Preprocessing for germination: Soak the seed in water till the cover opens up.
Germination time:
Seed shelf life:
Germination %:
Seed Description: 1-2 seeds per pod, globular, hard, grey.

Contact - Mandar Joshi, 0091-9637527026, [email protected]
Copy Right - All images & text description on this site are copyrighted and may not be used without permission.